How can I find peace with God?

Peace with God is not just an abstract concept, it is something real that God offers to each one of us. God offers peace and freedom from all guilt, along with the certainty of an amazing future; to be with God in heaven forever. The Bible says in Romans 5:1:

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s break this down simply. First, we will look at the problem, i.e., why do we need to find peace with God and don’t have it automatically? We will then look at the solution that God has found to make that peace possible, and finally how that peace can be experienced by everyone of us.

Our Problem - why do we not have this peace?

God's Solution - how He made that peace possible.

Our Response - how do we find that peace?

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

God's Promise

Would you like to find peace with God? You can do this now by sincerely praying a simple prayer like this:

Dear Lord Jesus. I accept that I have rebelled against you and am a sinner. I accept that although I deserve punishment for my rebellion you took that punishment for me. Please come into my life, forgive my sins, and give me your peace. With your help I want to live my life for you. Amen.

Once you accept Jesus into your life it is really important to develop that relationship with the Lord Jesus by reading His book (the Bible) and by speaking to Him in prayer. Our Basic Bible Course outlines the main fundamentals of the Christian life and the basic teachings of the Bible. Why not check it out?

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Basic Bible Course

This course is the place to get started. You will discover truths about God, His plan and how we can know God through Jesus.

Price: Free

Level: Beginner

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